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Safe and Effective Weight Loss Injections

Hillcrest Medical Weight Loss and Hormone is proud to offer our clients the most advanced and modern medical weight loss techniques approved by the FDA available today. GLP-1 Weight Loss injections are a recent breakthrough in the field, and adults in Clarksville, TN struggling with chronic weight gain or type 2 diabetes may benefit from this new drug. Contact us to schedule a consultation to learn if this option is right for you.

happy woman flexing in her workout gear

Learn About GLP-1 Weight Loss injections

Due to the health concerns attributed to obesity or being overweight, such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, the urgency in the medical world to find safe and effective ways to manage weight has led to many groundbreaking discoveries, like GLP-1 Weight Loss injections. The medication works by imitating the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) hormone responsible for controlling the brain’s appetite cravings. Weekly under-the-skin injections in patients reduce food intake and lead to gradual weight loss.

Benefits of this Medical Weight Loss Treatment

Safe and healthy weight gain is critical to sustained results. Patients who are candidates for GLP-1 Weight Loss injections benefit from:

  • Appetite and food craving reduction and an increased feeling of fullness
  • Lower weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, and inflammation
  • 15%-20% weight loss
  • Painless injections

Can Anyone Get GLP-1 Weight Loss Treatments?

Our GLP-1 weight loss center injections are a good fit for clients meeting certain medical criteria. Not everyone will be a candidate, but a consultation with our staff will help determine your eligibility. Potential clients with chronic weight gain and weight control challenges must also have another weight-related ailment caused by obesity or being overweight. For other patients, some health conditions will prevent them from qualifying for injections, including:

  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Patients with type 2 diabetes taking another GLP-1 drug
  • History of pancreatitis
  • Kidney disease
  • Pregnancy or currently nursing
  • Multiple endocrine neoplasias
  • Medullary thyroid cancer

Schedule a Consultation for GLP-1 Weight Loss injections

Contact the professionals at Hillcrest Medical Weight Loss and Hormone in Clarksville, TN to schedule a consultation for GLP-1 Weight Loss injections. We can find out if you’re a candidate for this innovative treatment. Some patients may experience mild side effects, such as brief nausea, constipation, diarrhea, or fatigue, but we will discuss these with you and address any of your concerns. Meet with a medical weight loss professional to design your program.

Call Us to Get Started on a Healthier You!