Get Long, Full Natural Eyelashes with LATISSE®
If you are looking for longer, fuller, darker eyelashes forget about fake eyelash extensions and fiber mascara. Get natural long, full eyelashes with LATISSE® eyelash treatment. LATISSE® is the only product approved by the FDA for improving the quality of eyelashes with people who have inadequate or minimal eyelashes.
While eyelashes help protect our eyes from dust, sand, bacteria, and sweat, our motivations behind desiring long, luxurious eyelashes has nothing to do with protecting our eyes. Adults and adolescents of both sexes use cosmetic enhancers like mascara, fiber mascara, and fake eyelashes in order to enhance their lashes and create beautifully thick and full eyelashes that draw focus to their eyes.
No longer do you have to worry about the pesky side effects of false eyelashes, eyelash extensions, and fiber mascara. With LATISSE® you’ll get beautifully long and thick lashes naturally.

What Does LATISSE® Do?
LATISSE® gradually grows and enhances your natural eyelashes. LATISSE® offers a much more permanent solution to mascara and false lashes which must be removed and reapplied daily. It also has advantages over eyelash extensions because not only is it permanent but it doesn’t need to be applied with hypoallergenic glues which have been known to block proper drainage from the eye, cause eye infections, cysts, and stys.
How Do You Use LATISSE®?
LATISSE® is a once-a-day treatment that is applied to the base of the upper eyelashes with a sterile, single-use-per-eye disposable applicator. Apply a single drop of LATISSE® to the upper eyelashes and blot away excess with a tissue or soft cloth. For the first few months, LATISSE® needs to be applied daily to get maximum growth and fullness.
It’s time you had the full, thick, long eyelashes you’ve always wanted. Call our full-service, upscale day spa in Clarksville to schedule your free consultation or learn more about LATISSE®. Call now – 931-245-3610.
How Soon Can I Expect Fuller, Longer Eye Lashes?
While individual results may vary, LATISSE® users can expect to see results in as little as eight weeks with significant results in about 16 weeks. To maintain the results, continued treatment with LATISSE® is necessary. If the use of LATISSE® is discontinued your eyelashes will gradually return to the way they were prior to use over a period of several weeks to months.